What are we doing wrong: Learning Computing studies.

Lunodzo Mwinuka
4 min readOct 27, 2019


The industry blames incompetent graduates. The graduates are complaining about impractical courses from the Academic Institutions, Academic Institutions pushes to Lecturers competency, Lecturers push it back to students. And the cycle goes on and on,

Every one among these stakeholders has a role to play, while the interconnection between them makes it a perfect shot for the benefit of all.

In four years of learning and practising in the Education field, I found that everything starts from an Individual level. Passion and commitment drive the wheel to success. But, of course, there are some difficulties to cut through, which are not really the causative agents.

To Lectures:

I think we’re enrolled on a lifetime learning process that requires an updated practice on what you are teaching. The computing industry is rapidly changing, and so you cannot lock yourself into a hall of knowledge for three days and still argue for your competence. No, you’re left far behind. This is just one element of the effective learning process for our IT students.

Students are not an empty hole, NOO!!! We are wrong on this. They have a huge experience on what we teach them based on practice, so teaching them from the ground of what they have known already or from what they are practising in the industry/communities could probably make it an effective learning process. Doing so gives you room to understand the base of knowledge your students have, and you will know exactly where to start. Remember: effective learning is the one that can give room to unlearn knowledge.

Students are friends. We don’t really want to echo the teacher-student gap that has been created in our traditional teaching processes, creating fear among you and an intense learning environment. Students learn better with peace and comfort, so be their comfort in your area of specialization. It is okay to re-examine our practices over time by considering these questions; Do you allow an extra-learning environment out of class sessions? How can you define your interaction with them?

Were not much knowledgeable in class. Most of us think we already know everything, so we get in class to bank what we have. We are creating a pool of knowledge where our students can swim limited in it. There is no room for further learning. Teachers call this BANKING!!, we need to avoid this as much as we can, to give room for our students to learn more than just what is being described in our course contents and curriculum.

Try out different teaching/learning approaches. Students learn better from the different textures on the topics you’re teaching, sometimes changing the environment may also help. We should try to escape from the ‘churchy’ mode of learning. We are not preachers. You may even take your students to the football pitch to learn. Just design a lesson to fit the environment.

And finally, let’s dedicate time to prepare what we are supposed to teach. Read this again. Let’s dedicate time to prepare what we are supposed to teach.

To students:

You’re the learners, and so you’re the engines in the learning process. Your instructor may make every possible effort to help, but if you’re not ready, it is just never going to work out if you don’t have a passion for learning.

In most cases, what you get from college and universities is just the foundation. It would be best if you built walls on it. We give you a bachelor degree in Information Technology and Systems, which is in fact too general, nothing you can do with it if you don’t find room for further lessons and application grounds. Growing a better IT personnel demands much of your time in learning. Refer to everyone you refer as successful IT personnel and read their story. You’ve brothers and sisters who were probably motivated to take your course and get back learn from them. You have these IT people in your Institution. It’s not a bad idea to learn from them because at least they are one step ahead of you.

Don’t lock yourself in walls under the umbrella of being busy learning. Hey, the internet has got everything, the right content and false, useful and trash, simplified and hard-content you need to meet people to unlearn and learn. Talk to people, challenge and get challenged. As much as we have millions of approaches to doing stuff, you should then get out and meet people.

Are you learning every day? If not, please start learning programmes. There is still so much to learn, but remember to filter what is relevant to you.

To stakeholders:

We don’t just have to blame our graduates, but are we engaging in growing these graduates? If we don’t accept the same students for practical studies when they request, we don’t expect a competent graduate in the end. Are we sure we submit our interest to Academic Institutions? This may help them to design lessons that fit your requirement. I think you need to establish and long-sustained relationship with academia to bridge the gap.

When you employ a graduate, know that they are fresh, with wider knowledge to fit the industry. They may need further training to fit into your specific demands because institutions do not provide degrees best fit for your company. So it is this huge bachelor degree award for everyone out there.

To Universities:

I will ask this one question, are we doing the right thing? & are we teaching right?



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